A brand is so much more than a logo, a symbol…it’s the entire face of a business, the identity. It’s what a customer thinks of when the business comes to mind, what they expect for the next product, the next post. A brand differentiates a business from competition, and it’s how how the owner wants the business to be perceived.
“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” - Jeff Bezos
So many times I hear, “I do not want the whole package, just the logo.” and to be completely transparent, I cringe every time. As a brand designer, there is nothing worse than creating a logo that you know will never be a part of a full design suite, a consistent, cohesive brand.
A logo is just one element of a brand. It’s the color choices, the font package, the supporting graphics, the leading and the spacing of each word. Taking it a step farther, the personality of the owner, meeting the design elements, is the perfect recipe of an amazing brand.
In your mind, picture some awesome brands. What do they have in common? I can probably guess: Design elements are consistently well down across the board, and the brand itself shows personality and the art of being REAL, not just another product wanting to take your money.
I would love to help you with your brand, friends. Word of advice: trust the designer. With years of experience and schooling, and eye for design that continues to be refined EVERY DAY, and colleagues to help give advice, the designer probably sees things you do not. I’m not talking about myself, necessarily, either - just any designer you know! They want to design the very best for you. If you give up a little control, the end result will blow your mind and be so much more than you ever thought it could be.